Wednesday, July 20, 2011

The Open Studio

Sometimes I am confused.

In this case the vexxing issue is open studios. I like them don't get me wrong, I often lament that the artist that I would most eagerly peek into their studios are the ones that have closed doors. I long for the chance to see the nakedness inherent with their studios opened. Not to veiw their finished work, these artist are on veiw in the Musuems and Galleries I fequent. Nor do I wish to be trapped in a room with a salesman pushing his wares. I long for the pureity of a creative space that oozes the process that artists go through. Clean to messy, clottered to organized it doesn't matter the space is the process and the process is the artist. So I am confused, because the rawness I hope for when I do encountour open studios is plastered over, in favor of the bazaar.
So no bazaar here, this will be a depository for my studio process and discovery based studio process in general.

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About Me

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Some people might believe that I’m an adrenaline junkie; this is not the case. I am in truth a very meditative person. In moments of deep and solitude reflection I come upon an energy that has such force that it overwhelms my senses. I feel it vibrate across my flesh and throb on my fingertips and the soles of my feet. These sensations (coming out of purposeful meditation) are very much my own. But as any passion, I have always strived to share them. I find that at the core of these meditations I’m forcing my mind to break though thresholds of perception, so I began to do actions that show my body breaking through thresholds in the physical world. My work becomes an opposition to meditation; my actions embody the energy of my personal reverie. In doing I find the “physical knowledge” and peak experiences that viewers can project themselves into. I am consistently challenging the limiting finite space of my body and its ability to filter the sensations of the world.